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By the Grace of God

All glory and praise to Jesus who went to the cross to redeem us from our sinfulness and all curses. The Gospel of Grace has been a true life-saver in every aspect of my life, especially in my marriage.

To keep my marriage successful and pleasant before God and people, I used to feel very stressful. Just like any married couples, there are trials and tests along the way. In my marriage, my husband and I acknowledged that Jesus is in the center of it, however we did not understand who we are in Christ. Both of us would still want to take control in our marriage. It was in the season that we had some obstacles, I would try to manipulate and I handled it out of my self-effort rather than depending on Jesus. The more I relied on my own strengths, the worse our marriage became, both of us were very frustrated and distressed.

However, things started to change when I realized how much God loves me, and I am righteous by faith through His Son. God sees me the same way He sees Jesus, this truth totally set me free. I was free from the overwhelming negative emotions, it cast away the fear that this relationship might fail and the fear of rejection by God and others.

I started constantly meditating and declaring "I am the righteousness of God in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:21). Because I am in Christ, that I am delightful and pleasing to my Father. The revelation led me to a very different way in handling my marriage. I feel secured in my new identity, and this empowered me to face my relationship issues through grace and patience. Our marriage became stronger and happier, we make reconciliation quicker than before. The Grace of God brings me closer to God and to my husband. I know I can seek God for help because He doesn't see me by my mistakes. I can quickly forgive, love and support my husband. Grace removed my insecurity and the needs to be in control. Jesus is right at the center of our marriage, I know He is guiding us and giving us His wisdom at all times! I agreed with His Words, and now I am walking in the truth of who I am in Christ. Christ is definitely enough. In Him, I am perfect, I am complete and full! I feel very blessed and grateful for His work on the Cross. Fresh love is flowing into my life, for His peace that abounds deep within me, in my marriage and in my entire household. I know this is just a beginning, I believe greater blessings will rain upon our lives. Hallelujah!