Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.

Doctors have discovered that worry, stress, fear, and anxiety can cause stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, and other health problems. The Bible says that a merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22) It also says that God wants us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. (3 John 1:2)

I recall when I was at school during examination time, my mouth was full of ulcers because of the worry and stress. When I first became a youth pastor I was bed-ridden with sickness for three weeks, in part to my fears and worries that opened me up to spiritual attack. I believe that the devil was trying to undermine my calling into ministry and destroy me even before I really got started.

But praise God, He delivered and healed me, and taught me not to worry.

And several years ago when we first planted a church in Hong Kong, we had every reason to worry about everything, yet we didn’t. The verse that set me free was this: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow…” (Matthew 6:34) You see, if you worry about tomorrow, you are trying to live tomorrow today!

God does not want you to do that. Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” He did not say, “Give us this day our weekly bread.” God gives us daily bread, not weekly bread. God doesn’t give tomorrow’s bread today. And today’s bread is not meant for tomorrow!

I am not advocating laziness and inactivity. Go ahead and plan, organize and prepare for those exams, presentations, and events that will happen in the future, but don’t stress and worry about them. God wants you to live today with a full assurance that whatever you need tomorrow or in the future, He will provide you with sufficient grace for that day!

When tomorrow comes, the bread i.e. the provision and grace of God will be there. Do your ‘homework’, but don’t worry about it. Just trust the One who wants you to give Him all your cares (1 Peter 5:7), and enjoy His peace and life today!

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Don’t worry about tomorrow for when tomorrow comes, the bread — provision and grace — will be there.