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I Choose To Believe God

A few weeks ago, I did a regular body check, and in my blood test result, one of my thyroid hormones was abnormally high. The doctor then did a check on my neck, and he felt a lump on my thyroid gland. I got a GP referral to do an ultrasound scan to identify what was there.

When I noticed the report result, I was shocked and panicked, but I remember what Pastor Wayne said, "Nothing is more powerful than God’s promises to us." God has promised to give us good health, and He will never fail us. I prayed every day, and I literally talked to my own body, “Hi sickness, you are not allowed to stay in my body. My body is the temple of Holy Spirit, I command you (the sickness) to leave my body now.” Besides that, I also put anointing oil every day on my forehead and my thyroid gland to receive healing and protection from God. Thanks to my connect group who prayed for me, and we partook of Holy Communion together in remembrance of Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

Around two weeks after my initial check in the clinic, I did an ultrasound on my thyroid gland. The doctor said he could not find any lump or even swelling on my gland. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! I chose to believe in His supernatural power than the doctor’s report. He proved to me that He is always capable to perform miracles on us. He proved to me that His power is way stronger than any surroundings. And if He can heal me, He will do the same to you. We are all beloved children of our Heavenly Father.