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Jesus took away my illness on the cross

In late February 2020, I underwent a health check-up. The abdomen ultrasounds showed a new lesion in my liver and a subsequent CT scan confirmed a chance of liver cancer.

I tried to stop my negative emotions myself, but worry and anxiety kept taking control of me. Fortunately, as a Believer, I quickly turned to the Almighty Father for help.

Over the Good Friday message, Pastor Mary reinstated the meaning of Holy Communion. I was also encouraged by Pastor Joseph Prince’s Good Friday message together with a mini-movie that reproduced the scene where Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross in exchange for our sin and sickness in Golgotha 2000 years ago. “By His stripes, we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5). I got to know that Jesus, the Son of God, gave His life in exchange for our holiness and health. I took Holy Communion at home and prayed to Jesus. While I was partaking of the Communion, I felt Jesus talking to me, “Son, leave it to Me. Give Me your sicknesses. I love you. By faith, you have My Divine Spirit and health in you.“ I also put anointing oil on my stomach where my liver is – declaring in Jesus’ Name that it is going to be refreshed, renewed and reborn.

I went on to receive a Liver Tumour MRI. I felt nothing but Shalom Peace when I was sitting inside the tube because He was with me the whole time.

The next day, my doctor texted me with an unbelieving tone that the MRI report showed the lesion which was found in the CT scan was now UNFOUND! He congratulated me that my liver was completely fine! My doctor couldn’t explain it from a medical standpoint because the CT scan was only done a week ago. In just a week, my liver was completely healed! My doctor didn’t know why but I did. Jesus took away my ill liver on the cross. In exchange, He gave me His perfectly healthy liver! Hallelujah!