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God Is All I Need

Towards the end of last year, I was constantly stressing about my finance. While I was thankful that I was not in debt, I felt condemned that I wasn’t a good steward for what God has given me. I was disappointed in myself, and I felt that I’ve also disappointed God. I thought to myself if I can’t even manage the little that I have, how can God trust me with more?

As I fretted about my finance, I was also disheartened by the promotion I didn’t get earlier on, and I wondered how could I receive any blessings in my finance without the promotion. My year-end review was coming up, and it was not a good year for many businesses, so naturally, I did not expect a decent raise. Even so, I still held a faint hope. “A small raise is still a raise,”

I was reminded of Malachi 3:10, ' "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.' (NIV) I was reminded that we can test God’s goodness in the area of tithing and that He is our ultimate provider.

I tried to calm my worried heart by meditating on this verse, and whenever the condemnation crept up, I turned to the Word rather than giving in.

Fast forward to my review meeting a few weeks later – I entered my boss’ office with a normal amount of nervousness but not an ounce of worry. My boss went on and talked about my performance and what she said next – “astonished” did not even come close to describe how I felt!

While it was a tough year and I did not get a promotion that year, the team appreciated my contribution, and my boss was happy to offer me a 20% salary raise. Before I knew how to react to the good news, my boss added that the company would also award me some company shares! Investing has been something I wanted to start but had yet to. Company shares are usually awarded to senior colleagues and it wasn’t even something I thought possible, but our God is a supernatural God who does not withhold good things from His people.

I was completely overwhelmed by how real and tangible God’s blessings and favours are, and how He delights in blessing us. What touched me the most, was that He knows all of our desires, large and small. He is more than willing to bless us when we simply put our trust in Him.

I was blown away by God’s love and grace, and how He uses every opportunity to show me that He is truly all I need.