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The Lord Is My Shepherd

My previous job was fun and it was a good place to learn, however, the merit increment was rather discouraging. My salary did not reflect my contribution to the company. When I looked around, my friends were earning more than I did, and my parents told me I was underpaid. It slowly became stressful and I started to feel frustrated. I prayed and put my trust in God, anticipating the miracle will come to pass. But then, I got the bad news… the company announced a salary freeze. The miracle did not happen as expected...

While feeling extremely disappointed, I still fixed my eyes on Jesus, knowing He loves me and He is my supply. I continued to pray, went to church every Sunday.

The book "The Blessed Life", is like a tipping point in my journey of faith. After reading this book, I decided to tithe with my expected salary. The Bible says, giving is the only area that God permitted us to test Him. This decision strengthened my faith in God, I trusted His provision was already provided before I received it in the natural. Moreover, Pastor Wayne also encouraged us to meditate upon Psalm 23, so I started to meditate on it every day. I declared to myself, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, I lack nothing because God meets all my needs, and my cup overflows." Then, blessings started flowing into my life.

A new job that I applied for offered me a package that exceeded what I asked for, they offered me a salary that's higher than my expected salary. What a blessing! I happily accepted the offer.

Every time I would start a new job, I would struggle in the early months and would compare my worth to others based on the amount of income I received. But this time I was able to turn to Jesus immediately and knew that my security was in Him, not on the circumstances.

There is no comparison in His love for me and I will not trust in the lies of the devil. Shortly, after starting the new job, the blessings continued to flow. I had two pay increases within 12 months together with a promotion! I know it’s not because of my talent or strength but by the Grace of God.

Looking back and what I desired for my career advancement, God clearly remembered everything that was in my heart, no matter how big or small! When I pray now, I don’t pray for myself anymore because I shall not want, and I shall not limit God. I pray for my connect groups, my Pastors and my Church. I rest and simply pray in tongues, and allowing the Holy Spirit to pray perfect prayers through me. Praise to the Lord!