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God is faithful, and we can stand on His Word 

When we first moved to Hong Kong, we were relying mainly on my wife’s salary, as I was working part-time with a Bible College.

My wife is a salesperson who relies largely on commissions. For the first six months, my wife made only one sale since she had no client base in Hong Kong.

Prior to leaving Beijing, someone prophesied over us that we would have a huge financial breakthrough, yet we were not seeing it. Throughout this time, we were saying, “God, what is going on? You called us here, and yet it seems like there is little provision.”

Then in May 2020, a visiting preacher shared with us about 1 Timothy 5:8 and how God stands by this verse. We realized that God is our Father and the head of our family, He is always providing for us. We started declaring 1 Timothy 5:8 over our situation, “God, You are our Father, we are Your children, You are not an infidel, You WILL provide for us.” We believed and rested securely in this promise of God. 

Soon after, my wife’s company told all sales employees that any sale which came in the 3rd quarter would earn the salesperson an extra 10%. What happened next was miraculous - so many sales came through, that my wife achieved her entire annual sales quota in this 3rd quarter! She had the BEST year in her 15 years’ sales performance. We are now investing in the purchase of an apartment and have been able to give more to the Church and Bible College. Praise the Lord!

We have been so moved by God’s goodness. He led us to one of the most expensive cities in the world and He prospered us more than we have ever been prospered. On this journey, our faith became stronger and now we are expecting more good things to happen in our lives!